Agriculture for future generations!

Regenerative Agriculture –

– will have a crucial impact not only on the future of our economy but also on the well-being of all humanity. Small-scale polycultural regenerative farms and large-scale agroforestry systems should be the foundation of the future agricultural economy.



Use our knowledge and experience in integrated landscape planning and the introduction of regenerative practices


– The primary goal of the farmer/landowner should be regeneration and landscape conservation. Agroforestry and food production in regenerative systems is the best tool to achieve this goal



Take advantage of our intergenerational experience in working with simple Agroforestry systems

How can we help you?

Integrated Farm Planning / Keyline

design of agroforestry systems

regenerative practices

market gardening/ intensive vegetable growing

grazing management / grazing poultry

holistic management / integrated decision-making

Mapping / contour maps catchment analysis topography analysis


Field consultations / lectures / workshops

intensive courses on our farm

Internships on our farm


management and economics of regenerative agriculture

direct food sales
