The purpose of the internship at the Green Leaf farm Kąkolewice(our mother farm) is to prepare participants to run an independent farm using regenerative techniques and to sell their products directly. The internships are designed to show how such a farm functions in practice, and what scope of work is necessary to make the farm financially viable.


  1. April – May
  2. May – June
  3. June-July
  4. July – August
  5. August – September
  6. September-October

The minimum duration of the internship is 2 weeks.

Full Agenda: LINK

What the trainees are telling us

Apprenticeship at Magda and Philip’s farm is first and foremost a chance to experience daily work in the garden and farmyard and see if this lifestyle is for you. Despite my previous experience growing vegetables, I learned new things almost every day for the first month. Magda and Philip work together with the apprentices – everything can be approached, everything can be asked, and they willingly and extensively share their knowledge. They are also open to comments and benefit from the apprentices’ experience, constantly improving their farm. This created an atmosphere of learning together, facing challenges together, and gave me the feeling of being part of a team, not just a guest. .”

Kasia Kukieła

I have visited many unconventional farms in Poland and Green Leaf is definitely in the top 3.

Filip and Magda are not looking for cheap labor. I feel that during my short internship I got much more from them than I gave. The hosts are very eager to share their knowledge and put a lot of effort to meet the needs of the interns. There you can learn both about how to manage a vegetable garden and rotate chickens, but also learn a wonderful philosophy of life and how to make important decisions in life.

I would recommend an internship with Philip and Magda to anyone interested in permaculture and regenerative agriculture, especially those who want to generate income this way.

Jędrzej Pyzik

Magda and FIlip are a true treasure trove of knowledge and inspiration when it comes to regenerative farming practices. Working on their farm as part of an internship, we had the opportunity to see firsthand how to efficiently run a small, profitable farm in a way that is healthy for the soil, the people and the surrounding ecosystem.

Dagna i Anel

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